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What You Need to know About Pet First Aid

By Lasonja W.

For the most part, we all know some basic information about first aid; but have you prepared yourself to jump in and take care of your pet if there was an emergency? There are so many different scenarios that could require you to help your pet. Now I don't want you to think about the absolute worst-case scenario. Some everyday mishaps could include your pet overheating, falling down the stairs, your dog eating chocolate or your pet having a seizure.

Pets are normally considered an important member of the family and you want to take care of them as best you can. Educating yourself is key to ensuring you can remain calm in any situation. Knowing basic information may save your pet until you can get to the veterinarian. If you haven't already, I highly recommend researching pet insurance and local vet hospitals in your area.

If you ever need to perform any type of first aid on your pet I highly recommend you follow these safety tips as an injured pet can quickly become confused, agitated or aggressive.

1. Keep away from your pet's mouth to avoid being bitten.
2. Apply a muzzle if needed.
3. Ask for help when moving your pet to avoid further injury.

Here are some tips for care for common injuries:

1. Choking: You can perform the Heimlich Maneuver on your pet. If you are unsure how, there are instructional videos online that you can reference.
2. Snake Bites: Rinse the wound, keep the wound positioned below the heart, and try to keep your pet calm and still until you can get to the vet hospital.
3. Heat Stroke: Move your pet to a cool and shaded area, pour cool water over your pet, and contact your vet.

Many emergencies can arise so being prepared will make all the difference. Pet insurance is always a great idea to have, especially for when emergencies come up. Lucky for you we share all the information you may need to know!